KIA Ora, welcome back to my blog for this week and quite a couple weeks back we did some writing about Theseus and the Minotaur it took a bit to complete but it was all worth it in the end because with all the hard work and effort I put in to making it be amazing I pulled it off and made it amazing I hope you enjoy reading my Theseus and the Minotaur.
Day one
Many many years ago, when the Gods ruled the earth, they caused mischief between two kings.
King Aegeus of Athens was kind-hearted and loving. However
King Minos of Crete was nasty and ungrateful.
Regrettably the son of King Minos had been murdered in a battle with King Aegeus.
Day Two
Deep beneath his palace king Minos kept a imprisoned a living beast that is half man, half bull.
The mighty beast had a muscular, hairy chest, ginormous fists and sharp claws as sharp as a stone brick.
It’s teeth were strong - yellow and strong. It’s horns were tall - strong and tall. It’s eyes were evil - crooked and evil.
Day Three
In retribution for the death of Minos' son, the Athenians had to sacrifice fourteen citizens to this terrifying Minotaur every year.Theseus, the son of King Aegeus was a fearless man who always loved going on adventures and never said no to a challenge. One year, he offered to sail to the island of Crete as one of the seven young men sent as a sacrifice.
Theseus was committed to killing the Minotaur.
King Aegeus felt terrified and heartbroken about his son's decision. He told him to fly white sails on his return to show the mission had been successful.
Day Four
Wind blowing through the ship’s salls as Theseus and his companions travelled to crete.
King Minos and his daughter Ariadine greeted the Athenaians at “the harbour Time to meet your doom”
King Minos declared matter of factly.
As the Athenians were marching labyrinth their knees wobbled, their palms shook and their hearts thumped.
Day Five
Ariadne, whose eyes did not sparkle as bright as the sun, and whose lips didn’t were not as red as rose’s, had fallen in love with Theseus at first sight,
Day Six
‘How can I rescue my fearless, handsome, love from the daredevil best’ she thought.
“If you marry me, I will help you survive this pitch black prison, the Minotaur” she said quietly to him.
Day Seven
Deep underground in the dark scary dungeon, the opponents slapped savagely.
KABOOM! KAPOW! BANG! POOF! Theseus battled, defeated and murdered the Minotor Theseus, who was exhausted but elated, escaped.
Theseus and his men rushed like the wind to their awaiting boat.
Theseus’ sighed and his jaw dropped when Ariadne said, “Remember you promised to marry me.”
As the bout carried them back to Athens, Theseus felt anxious and caged.
Day Eight
Half way home they stopped on an Island to collect supplies. While Ariadne put her makeup on, the others made a giant sand castle. Thesesus thought. ‘This is the time for my getaway plan. She is not the girl of my dreams because she has fooled me.’
The Athens all sneaked back to the boat and silently slipped away from the shore.
Day nine
Skipping joyfully, Ariadne decided to gather food for the group.
The berries she gathered were bursting with fresh sweetness -moist juicy delicious.When she Returned to show the others her berries, everyone had vanished. Theseus had vanished; her love had vanished.
Day Ten
As the sun set under the horizon Theseus sailed closer to home. However he forgot to fly white sails to show his father he was safe. The sails were black, like a sinister raven.
King Aegeus stared out to sea and realized his son was dead.
Day Eleven
Believing his only son had been slain by the Minator, he was distraught, devastated,desparte,”I have nothing to live for, “he cried. The oppressive, dark thunderclouds mirror the despair in his desolate, breaking heart. With nothing left to live for, the grieving father was lured and swallowed by the angry, tempestuous sea. King Aegeus had tragically died in vain.